Tuesday 13 October 2015

Why should you study History in schools?

As an average school boy, I never liked the idea of studying History in school. Why should I be bothered about which king attacked another? What the hell is going to change if I get to know about how the kingdoms lasted for decades? Why should I care if someone got assassinated on the basis of their views?

Such questions kept coming in my mind and I just didn't have answer to any of these, AND, I kept scoring average numbers in History.

Times changed. I passed class 10th. Then I passed class 12th and then I graduated. For 5 years I was not in touch of History and the years seemed so real and cool.

But then I had no clue as to why Nathuram Godse killed Mahatma Gandhi? I didn't know who out of Bhagat Singh and Mahatma Gandhi was really great? Why Akbar was great? And what were the stories of Shivaji, Prithviraj Chouhan and Porus.

I felt having lesser knowledge than my counterparts on this subject which persuaded me to start reading books. And believe me as I read more and more History books, I feel more connected to India.

I think everyone should study History not as a subject but to connect to India. I remember a Sanskrit shloka which will be transliterated as:

Dharmarth Kaam Mokshanam
Updesham Anvitam
Kathayuktam Poorvavrittam
Itihaasam Prachakshyate

Which simply means that whenever you are trying to do some social work, something that makes you happy, some advice and something for the greater benefit of humankind you should first refer to History.

Your story (or questions) could have been the story (or question) of someone else in the History.

The views presented here are of the author and may not express the views of AllSchoolUniform.com on the subject.

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